About Melody Jo:

Just your average 6-foot-tall Sagittarian weirdo that makes babies cry and cashiers a little uncomfortable… mostly unintentionally. I love raccoons, bad dad jokes, and collecting cool rocks. I collect feathers and turquoise, I don’t sleep much, and I like to make people smile. My world runs on Monster energy drinks and near-criminal optimism. I am a single mom of 3 amazing kiddos, Soren, Odin, and Nova. We have what some would call a “neuro-spicy” household. It gets pretty real over here, to say the least.

I have been in college/university for the last 5 years now as a way of gettin out of the skilled labor industries and into a science career. I wanted to be a veterinarian for my entire life, but plans changed when I had kids. While school allowed me to stay home with my kids and still pay the rent, sometime in 2023 I hit a point of absolute overload and emotional burnout and decided to take a break from school for a while. Which leads us to where we are now. Here. Trying my hand at being an artist.

I don’t know if I have what it takes to make a career out of this, or even just to supply the Top Ramen that I’ll be surviving off of for the foreseeable future. But what I do know is that I am willing to take the chance, because I have somehow stumbled into a really amazing and supportive community with my art. Sure, that community is full of freaks and weirdos like you and I, but for the duration of this little blip in the universal timeline, I am happy. I feel lucky to know that my art has reached so many people, and beyond stoked to know that it means enough to you to come visit my little ramshackle website and maybe buy some merch. I love that I feel seen for the first time in several years, outside of the “mom identity” that I truly do love, but also feel trapped within.

And I thank you so genuinely deeply for the words of encouragement, the conversations, the likes and shares and all that new age goodness. If you haven’t tossed a DM my way just for funsies, you should! In between the monotonous chaos of my daily life and my nocturnal art spree tendencies, I am always happy to make some kind of connection with the outside world. Until then, thanks for being a part of this crazy little world I live in. You’re a real one.


-Melody Jo

Make it happen, Cap’n.

Just do the damn thing. Do the dance. Say the thing. Care about everything. Make art everywhere. Don’t be a dick. Be a better person. Help other people. Have some respect. Be your weird ass self. Say sorry when you fuck it up. Manifest your future. Don’t get discouraged. Stand up for yourself. Ask people questions. Turn off the TV. And for the love of all things good in this world, don’t leave piss on the toilet seat, and have a fantastic day.